OceanSwipe 360 is a creative robotic glass cleaner that goes all out when it comes to cleaning the glass of a home aquarium. With a specially designed track that allows the OceanSwipe360 to precisely position itself throughout the aquarium, and to go around corners, this is one product that many fish tank owners would love to get their hands on.
We’ve just learned that OceanSwipe360 will follow the lead of other high tech aquarium products to come to market through the use of a Kickstarter campaign. It is unclear at this time whether OceanSwipe will be using this campaign to generate development capital and pre-orders for their flagship OceanSwipe360 model, or the more pared down OceanSwipe360 Junior device, but something tells us we could be seeing both devices included in this campaign.
The OceanSwipe 360 is the first aquarium glass cleaner of its kind, second if you count the Robosnail, but it looks engineered to go above and beyond with its glass cleaning abilities. The OceanSwipe 360 Junior is probably the model that has the most mass market appeal, but professional aquarium service technicians will love both models’ acrylic polishing abilities too.
We are excited to see crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter being used to bring seemingly outlandish devices and products to the aquarium market. It will be very interesting to see how the OceanSwipe 360’s campaign does when it launches in the fall, and how much it will initially be selling for. [OceanSwipe360]