You may not know this, but Tunze has actually offered a calcium reactor for many years now. The German company’s unique take on the calcium reactor has historically been of an unconventional form factor, but the two new models of Tunze’s Calcium Automat should make them much more familiar and approachable for reefers to use and work with.
The Tunze Calcium Automat is the German company’s unique take on the reef aquarium calcium reactor. Instead of being plumbed into the body of the reactor, the Calcium Automat uses Tunze’s own custom molded base for better stability and a couple of other tricks.
The pump driving Tunze’s Calcium Automat is connected directly to the base for even suction from the entire footprint of the calcium reactor. But more importantly, having the intake line directly in the base allows the Calcium Automat to be self priming, no feed pump required, and by having the adjustment valve on the intake side, there is much less clogging or variability of the flow rate adjustment.
Tunze is offering the Calcium Automat in two sizes, the 3171 and 3272, both of which use the same Tunze Silence pump running at 17 watts. The Tunze Calcium Automat 3171 holds just under two liters of media, and is rated for tanks up to 1,200 liters, or around 300 gallons and retails for $483. The Tunze Calcium Automat 3172 holds ten liters of media, and is rated for tanks up to 2000 liters, or around 528 gallons and retails for $686. [Tunze]