Aberrant, tricolor and piebald scopas tangs are among the most highly coveted exotic reef fish. World Wide Corals definitely help the movement along with their world-famous white tang Casper, and now they’ve added a couple more gems to their Zebrasoma family.
The two new tangs, nicknamed Bumblebee and School Bus are a cut above in terms of rarity and desirability. Most of the piebald and tricolor scopas tangs lately have been of the greenish or blue blotched variety but Bumblebee and School Bus are even more exquisite with their brilliant yellow base coloration.
Yellow scopas tangs are closely related to the iconic yellow tang, and pure yellow scopas tangs are fairly common from the Philippines. But large showy piebald scopas tang with some yellow color are the créme de la créme, and both School Bus and Bumblebee are more than 50% yellow overall.
These two mostly yellow piebald scopas tangs might change coloration a little bit, but with such bold markings and base colors we expect them to more or less remain showy, one of a kind fish. At this point World Wide Corals are avidly collecting piebald Zebrasoma tangs and it’s truly quite exciting to see such stunningly yellow variants of the already rare piebald Scopas tang.