Skimz added another product to its line with the new Skimz Pur CARB-08 activated carbon. So what makes the Skimz carbon unique in a sea of other carbon options? It looks like Skimz looked for a clean, efficient option to ensure your activated carbon does as much as it can for you.
Pur CARB-08 gets its name for the 0.8mm pellet size. These pellets are made from carbon that is activated at a high temperature with steam for a high quality and porous product. In fact, the highly-porous surface is guaranteed to have 1,225 square meters of surface area per gram of carbon (average for activated carbon in general is 1,000 sq. meters).
Skimz also notes the product is low in ash and high up there on the hardness scale so it should be able to withstand some tumbling without breaking up.
Skims Pur CARB-08 comes in three sizes a 680ml, a 1,500ml and a 4,000ml container that retail for around 9.00 SGD, 18.00 SDG and 42.00 SDG (around $7, $13 and $30 USD) respectively.
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