Reef tanks have all but taken over the saltwater side of the aquarium hobby but we’ve still got a special place reserved in our hearts for tanks dedicated to showcasing nice marine fish. Today’s feature is quite possibly one of the best Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR_ tanks we’ve ever seen, and certainly the best ever with a biotopic theme.
We’ve actually been writing about this Hawaiian Reef Fish exhibit for a couple years now. Even as recently as a few months ago Andrea visited this reef tank and gave us an update, but it’s this spanking new video from Greg Collinske that gives us our best look at it yet.
This FOWLR literally has all the rare and exotic endemic reef fish of Hawaii – in this aquarium you’ll find:
- Flame Wrasse – Cirrhilabrus jordani
- Tinker’s Butterflyfish – Chaetodon tinkeri
- Bandit Angelfish – Apolemichthys arcuatus
- Masked Angelfish – Genicanthus personatus
- Yellow Anthias – Odontanthias fuscipinnis
- Longfin Anthias – Pseudanthias hawaiiensis
- Struhsaker’s Chromis – Chromis struhsakeri
- Orange Margin Butterlfyfish – Prognathodes basabei
The only fish species ostensibly missing from the list are the uber rare Aurora Basslet and the Sunrise Hogfish, but this may be a deliberate choice since both these fish can be more aggressive than the species highlighted above.
It’s incredibly cool to see all these fish in one tank, comprising one of the most complete biotpe marine fish aquariums that we know of. If you’re in Hawaii definitely swing by the NOAA Mokupapapa Discovery and check out this one of a kind saltwater fish aquarium.