The Tenth Annual ReefStock has come and gone and it resulted in a ton of smiling faces and frag racks full of great new corals. ReefStock X was truly one of the best Denver reef shows we’ve ever had and we couldn’t believe that nearly 1300 people made it to our local reefing party.
Alas, as we’re busy making the show actually run, we sometimes struggle to capture what it’s like to actually attend this very fun regional reef show. Thankfully, several of our fellow reporters and vloggers were on hand to document the reef fest in all its glory.
Fittingly, the first ReefStock report to surface is this great 10 minute vlog walkthrough by Mile High Reefers. Scott Anderson does a great job conveying not just the details of the show, like all the corals, products and prizes, but also the high energy and excitement of all those who attended.