We’ve been writing about and reporting on Focustronic LED and their first product, the Focustronic One, since about fall of last year. This weekend at Reefapalooza may have been dominated by hot and sexy corals and frags, but a few exciting devices did make a debut for us to see in the flesh.
The Focustronic One LED light displayed at Reefapalooza by Coralvue is an early prototype, but it gave us our best look yet at what this light is like, and how it will work. Right off the bat, the fixture appeared a good bit larger than we had expected.
The carbon-fiber wrap job on the Focustronic fixture is pretty swank, but it was somewhat undermined by a ghetto-mounting job to the Giesemann mounting arm. I get it that they had to shoehorn the fixture somehow in time for the show but projecting screws and carbon fiber just doesn’t mix.
The fixture, and its cluster of LEDs, are about 25% bigger than we had imagined, which means that this light is not the small focused spotlight we had pictured. But on the flipside, this means that the large moving light head and its cluster of LEDs is more in line with a large modular LED fixture with greater spread, than a fit-anywhere small LED spotlight for nano reef tanks and accent lighting.
Alas, despite tens of thousands of corals at Reefapalooza, not a single live piece was under the Focustronic LED light making it incredibly difficult to imagine how this light might look and perform in the real world. Nevertheless, we remain optimistic that the Focustronic will be capable of some neat tricks over our aquariums, and we’ll look forward to the day when we can see the innovative light running as it was intended.