Reef Secrets Aquariums in Gold Coast Australia was one of the few LFS that I ever heard of before going to Australia. But as it turned out it was the last fish store I ended up visiting on my recent tour.
After visiting the very passion-driven Gallery Aquatica, owner Hatfield Darren had a very high bar to meet. However since Reef Secrets is one of the oldest reef-only aquarium stores in Australia, this destination LFS definitely lived up to expectation.
Reef Secrets is probably the LFS that resembled a high quality American reef shop the most, probably due to how long it has been in operation. Despite the similarity, there’s no comparison in the selection of Australian livestock between a domestic marinelife dealer and one on the other side of the world who has to get everything shipped in.
It was an awesome and eye-opening experience to visit so many reef shops in Australia, and it’s incredible how informative seeing LFS in other countries can be about our own reef aquarium stores. If you like seeing these shop tour videos definitely check out the entire Australia Playlist and be sure and subscribe to our YouTube Channel because the Highlight Reels featuring the best of the best from this trip will be uploaded soon!