Bubble tip anemones are the most important species in the aquarium hobby. Their hardiness, ease of propagation and diversity of colors all combine to create the perfect anemone species for reef tanks and now we’ve got another variety to look forward to.

While corals may not be exported from the Philippines, we are seeing some numbers of bubble tip anemones coming out of this country in some fantastic colors. Many of these are of the rose, sunburst, and yellow tip variety but recently, Sea Dwelling Creatures obtained a batch which included some specimens with very prominent white splotches.

White spotting and splotches are nothing new in bubble tip anemones, and various strains may display this characteristic to a varying degree. The ‘Colorado Sunburst’ in particular can be identified by a high degree of white splotches on the oral disc and inner tentacles, but SDC’s latest crop takes this idea to a whole new level.
Some of these Entacmea quadricolor bubble tips are nearly covered with these white spots and splotches. Most of the Filipino BTAs are of the yellow-tip and rose coloration but a few of the paler specimens have this incredible ‘stained glass’ quality to their appearance. These novel looking bubble tip anemones are totally worthy of being intensively cultured as we’d love to see these available in the aquarium hobby for the foreseeable future.