It’s been a little while since an LED platform, diode, or technology really made us sit up and take notice but today we are in awe of YujiLED. This company has recently released a truly incredible multichip which is not only remarkable in how much light it can produce, but also for how small of a chip it is.
The BC Series High CRI High power come in two classes of Chip On Board (COB) platforms. The BC-160H is a 100 multichip which is a mere 9 millimeters across while the BC-270 is a 500 watt version which is 19 millimeters in diameter. This is possible thanks to 0.5mm LEDs clustered so closely to create an insane power density of 1.59 watts per mm².
Not only is this platform incredibly concentrated in its power capacity but it also achieves a very high color rendition index (CRI) over 95 – about as good as it gets from a single type of LED. As you might imagine, packing this much power into such a small space creates a unique challenge of sufficiently cooling the lighting package so it doesn’t burn up in normal operation.
To counter this YujiLED offers their 500 watt BC-270 with the optional package of a massive heat radiator for $499. The cost of the chip itself is still $439 and you still have to add optics or reflector yourself, and you still have to bring your own power supply. In the video below you can hear how loud this assembly is when running at full intensity but if this is a glimpse of the LED future, man we just can’t wait to see what a blue light version of this multchip package could achieve on some larger reef aquariums. [YujiLED]