The Aqualite Pro 100 eLED is a very interesting new dive light platform from industry leader, Underwater Kinetics. This medium sized light is perfect for a wide variety of applications, and is supported by a very diverse ecosystem of accessories ranging from different mounts to interchangeable LED heads.
Performance of the UK Aqualite Pro 100 varies depending on the light used; there are two different white LED options, a 20° spotlight with an adjustable brightness up to 750 lumens, and a wide angle head with a 100° beam angle and up to 1200 lumens of brightness. The wide beam head also has an added advantage of making a great video light due to a built-in mini dome lens to create a uniform light field.
Perhaps the neatest of the LED heads is the fluorescent option that has the same uniform light output due to the mini dome lens and an ultraviolet LED with an emission peak of 395nm. The Aqualite Pro 100 is priced at $169 with interchangeable heads running right around $100 each. [UK]