The Maxspect Fragnifier is a cute name that also describes what this device is designed for: magnifying coral frags. Unlike the circular Portal and other accessories like it, the Fragnifier from Maxspect is actually rectangular in shape and outline and is intended to be used in conjunction with their new frag rack.
Actually the frag rack and Maxspect’s own frag plugs will be bundled with the Fragnifier into a set which lets reefers get a close inspection of small corals and frags. The Fragnifier adds approximately an additional 25% to 50% magnification so don’t expect to start spotting microscopic detail with this thing, but it should help for general inspection of unwanted coral koodies.
The Fragnifier is the production version of the QBox and magnifier we first heard about last Spring before InterZoo 2016 but which is just now finally seeing the light of day. The Fragnifier is held to the aquarium walls with magnets strong enough to support it on glass at least 5/8ths of an inch thick and the expected retail price of the package should hover around $89.