The Harlequin shrimp is one of the most fascinating crustaceans which is also great for even the smallest of nano reef tanks. As long as you can get past the part where they need to be fed starfish – it’s easier than it sounds – these animals are worthy of hours of enjoyment.
While the common Harlequin shrimp is very beautiful on its own, some might argue that the Hawaiian Harlequin shrimp is even more beautiful with bolder, more colorful markings. Well wouldn’t you know it, Aquatic Technology has followed up on their success with breeding the common Harlequin shrimp and has now also successfully reared the Hawaiian version which is quite rare in the aquarium hobby.
Despite being captive bred you still need to feed them some kind of starfish – Asterinas when small and bits of chocolate chip starfish as they get larger. No word on how soon this new Hawaiian batch of Harlequin shrimp will be available or how much they will cost but I’m sure I could find a place for a pair in one of my displays! [AquaticTech]