Could Marine Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria be the Fish Food of the Future?

A Japanese technology company has made a commercial fish diet from just light, bacteria, and air that can rival or beat the nutritional profile of normal fish meal. With some commercial fish farming diets coming under scrutiny, (the feeding of…

Interview with a Seaweed Aquaculturist

Taras V Pleskun interviews Philip John Foronda of the Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, and finds out why seaweed aquaculture is such an important industry. Please Introduce yourself and how you first got into the aquaculture industry. Hi!…

The Need for Sustainably Aquacultured Cleanup Crew

Cleanup crew, whether they be gastropods, crustaceans, fish, echinoderms, or polychaete worms, are an integral part of the contemporary reef aquarium. Just like in wild ecosystems, various species of snails or sea urchins provide keystone ecological services by regulating the…

World’s first Octopus Farm concerns scientists

Plans to build the world’s first octopus farm have been met with criticism by scientists. Spanish multinational Nueva Pescanova sent the proposed plans to the Canary Islands’ General Directorate of Fishing, but they have been intercepted by animal rights group…

Marine aquaculture helps women in Indian archipelago

A community-based aquaculture project in the Indian islands of Lakshadweep is helping islanders generate their own income. Coconuts and Tuna fishing make up the main income of the West Indian archipelago, but fishing halts during the monsoon season and other…

Are Resting Copepod eggs the next Aquaculture revolution?

A Norwegian Aquaculture company has brought to market a very interesting product that could be the next revolution in the ornamental fish breeding industry. Until now, prey culture has always been the bottleneck of marine fish aquaculture. But C-Feed has…

Ultra Coral Australia propagates Homophyllia from the bottom up

Captive propagation of Homophyllia australis isn’t as easy as many other corals. Being a single polyp LPS coral, cutting through it with a coral saw usually ends in its demise. They have been captive spawned recently but the methods remain…

Can We At Least Talk About Captive Breeding Defects?

If a farmer grows a certain quantity of produce like fruits or vegetables, they can’t reasonably expect that every single fruit will be of sellable quality. The same principle applies to farmers that cultivate livestock, or pet breeders that raise…

Coral Frag Garden Maintenance

When you are a collector like me, you will eventually be buying a lot of small frags of corals due to the lower cost and availability of imported corals these days. The challenge will be to grow these little nubs…

Our Best Look at the Captive Bred Purple Tangs

The purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum, is a celebrated marine aquarium fish and one of the most iconic endemic species in the Red Sea. Just a few short years after Rising Tide’s first breakthroughs with the related yellow tang, Bali Aquarich announced their…