Everybody knows about reef aquarium maintenance right? We clean the skimmer, wipe down the glass, change the water, test the water, dose the chemicals and feed the tank etc. But we almost never really talk about reef aquarium equipment maintenance but this is one of the most vital practices you can do to keep your reef gear, and the aquarium it supports, running optimally.
Most folks don’t bother cleaning their pumps, blowing out fans and cleaning valves until well after there’s a problem. By regularly cleaning certain key parts of our pumps, skimmers, lights and valves we can practically eliminate failure in a reef tank, not to mention catch problems before they become catastrophic.
This video discussion format between Jay Sperandio and myself makes for great listening like a Podcast. If you have a moving part in your reef aquarium system, chances are it’s probably been to long since you’ve cleaned and serviced it. Watch or listen to this video to get some pro tips and on all the things you should be doing to your reef tank but probably aren’t.