SnappGrid is an intriguing new aquarium accessory from Innovative Marine which is aiming to make eggcrate even easier to use. As a building material, eggcrate is the backbone of the reef aquarium world, being used for all manner of uses, but mostly for holding frags on plug.
EggCrate is already pretty easy to use except when it comes to elevating it off the tank bottom so that the pegs of frag plugs can poke through. SnappGrid solves this with specially designed risers that are stackable to any custom heigh in about one inch increment.
Further tidying up the experience of using EggCrate, sections of SnappGrid can snap together to make a seamless interlocking sheet of frag holding space. Speaking of frag holders, these are great for keeping up to a dozen frags or so but the frag-per-area is much higher and more economical with eggcrate, and now also with SnappGrid.
A starter pack of SnappGrid will cost a paltry $10 for two sheets that are 10.25 by 7 inches in area, with 15 mm openings. The pack will also come with eight risers but an additional 16 count will cost around $5.99.
Clearly if you’re in need of commercial quantities of coral frag real estate you best stick with traditional eggcrate but for smaller projects and the added conveniences, SnappGrid should be a hit both with everyday reefers and reef aquarium stores.