We love the content our friends at Gallery Aquatica are putting out on their YouTube channel! Gallery Aquatica is a local fish store in Brisbane Australia, although im sure after watching a couple of their videos we all wish this store was right in our own back yard.
Galley Aquatics is kicking off a brand new video series featuring Ania and her expert coral propagation skills! If this first episode she covers Corallimorpharian Anatomy, Reproduction and some special Fragging techniques to assist with sharing these popular soft corals.
Ania got creative for this video and made playdoh models to explain 5 ways corallimorphs reproduce asexually and how this can help us with fragging techniques. The second half of the video she brings us into their coral grow out facility and shows us a hands-on demonstration of some fragging techniques.

She even has a chance to show off their signature 3D printed ricordea nuseries. We’re really excited to see local stores like Gallery Aquatica producing educational content for all levels of reefers.
Check out this video which is full of great information and tips for fragging shrooms, or morphs as they call them down under!