Captive breeding of saltwater fish has really entered a golden age in recent years with more and new species being aquacultured than ever before. We can still remember a time when any saltwater fish breeding beyond clownfish was huge news, but now we struggle to keep up with all the fish breeding and who’s doing it.
But you can rest assured that we’ll always keep a closer eye out to what angelfish are being bred, with the newest facility to announce success comes to us from Thailand. Atoll Farm Marine is an aquaculture facility based in Rayong that has cultured a fair number of popular saltwater aquarium fish including mandarin dragonets, royal grammas, dottybacks and of course the clownfish since 2013.

This past week Atoll Farm shared an image of a picture perfect tiny red flame angelfish that they bred at their facility. The photograph of this cultured Centropyge loricula is really the picture of success; sure they probably picked the best fish from their clutch but we are impressed with the overall shape of the fish, clean fins, even coloration, they should be proud!
The exciting part of seeing more and more fish breeders get into pygmy angelfish is that everyone is building upon a foundation of knowledge that should continue to grow and make the process easier and more successful. We wish Atoll Farm Marine the best of luck in their efforts with the captive bred flame angelfish and hope to see some of these stateside very soon.