We go to great lengths to educate and inform our readers and viewers about many aspects and all dimensions of the reef aquarium hobby. It’s therefore really refreshing once in a while to take a step back and just admire our corals and displays, and really take a moment to celebrate our successes with various species.
For our latest video we wanted to do just that, highlighting ten of our ‘current favorite’ corals which includes both perennial favorites, new acquisitions, and spotlighting some corals that have really started to blossom lately. Of course the Immortal Tort we featured last week is among these so if you were interested in this coral, definitely peep our latest upload to see some nice video clips of this coral in its full glory.
The assortment of corals includes both Acros, Montis, Candy Corals, one Euphyllia, and one Cynarina, but pretty much not a single ‘hype’ coral. Unless you count the purple bullseye rhodactis shroom, none of these particular corals have ever been spotlighted in the popular reef aquarium scene and we love these colonies and strains for their inherent amenability to aquarium life – simply put these corals are doing their best.
Better yet, one thing that all these corals have in common is that they look great both in white or blue lighting, but the blue Acros certainly look their best only under daylight spectrum. It would have been way faster and much easier to film these corals under saturated blue spectrum with yellow or orange color filters but it is much more rewarding and enjoyable to see these various strains under balanced, daylight lighting.