In this current era of reef keeping where the emphasis is either on purely collecting coral frags, or over-engineering the aquarium into a rube goldberg machine, it’s getting increasingly hard to find a nice grove of healthy thriving coral colonies. No worries over at the Reef Builders Studio as we’ve just dropped the second video of a fully loaded peninsula reef aquarium which is nearly covered with live stony corals from one end of the aquascape to the other.
For generations most diehard coral reefers have set one bar for a successful reef tank as having end-to-end coral growth with virtually no live rock visible. By this metric we’re incredibly proud of how this reef tank has turned out but we don’t even have to qualify this achievement, we simply have to look and admire just how lush and colorful the corals are, on their own and next to each other.
This reef tank is one of the most ‘Red Sea Native’ exhibits we’ve ever created which uses the Red Sea Reefer skimmer, ReefMat 1200, 4-channel ReefDose, and a pair of ReefWaves to power Red Sea’s five foot long Peninsula reef tank. The ReefBeat app was good enough when it first launched but after getting the hang of it for a couple years and with the continuous refinements the app has enjoyed it’s now become a very welcoming software ecosystem and it’s great that it’s all running on this one reef tank.
In this showcase video we go over many more details of what makes this continuous wall of thriving stony corals work for us, while also not being overly complicated, and quite free of distractions, tubes, outlets or wires we might add! This is one of the nicest stony coral reef aquariums we’ve ever created and certainly the nicest with a Peninsula layout – our only challenge moving forward is going to be trimming a bunch of the fast growing branches as they begin growing too close to the glass and into each other.