Quality Marine is supplying a new fish food called Nutramar. Available in “shot” and pellet form, the new food will be available in four recipes, and for tropical and marine fish. The shots are in large spherical form and can simply be dropped in as per usual, or pressed onto decor or the tank glass. A soft, moist food, the saltwater recipes include Algae and Color Boost, and Marine Complete, the Marine Complete coming both as large shots and smaller pellets. For tropical freshwater fish, there’s Algae and Color Boost, and Freshwater Complete, again coming in pouches for the shots and small jars for the pellets.

It can be hard to differentiate new foods from existing ones based just on specification or marketing alone, but Nutramar already has a good pedigree in that it’s what Quality Marine move their captive bred Purple tangs onto, after the fry are reared on live foods. Its used to color up the Purples, and just like Biota publishing what dry foods their fish are fed on, Quality Marine is making it known that their captive-bred purple tangs are fed on Nutramar before leaving the facility in order to aid a much smoother transition to retail store and home aquarium life.
The same food is also available in Europe and sold as Gamma NutraShots and Gamma NutraPellets by Tropical Marine Centre.