Today is international women’s day and that makes us think about all the amazing women in reefing, all the female reefers we met at ReefStock, as well as those in our own team.
Marissa Francis is Reef Builders’ Event Coordinator and is directly responsible for organizing the Reefstock shows in both the US and Australia. A relative newbie to reefkeeping, Marissa admits she is now “addicted” to reefkeeping, and does a whole heap of stuff for all the Reef Builders brands and platforms behind the scenes too.

Windsor Adams is Reef Builders’ Social Media Director extraordinaire as she not only runs numerous social media pages across several platforms, she helped organize ReefStock and worked all weekend during the show despite being 28 weeks pregnant! She’s also worked in aquatic stores, zoos, public aquariums and is a qualified dive technician.
We want you to recognize and celebrate all the women you know in reefing, from aquatic store staff to hobbyists, public aquarists to scientists, and social media influencers. One day out of 365 is a tiny fraction of the recognition they should get, but we see an inkling of what looks like much greater overall inclusion in this amazing hobby and hope to reveal some more female contributors to Reef Builders in the very near future.
Massive thanks also to ReefStock volunteers Vanessa Costanzo and Amber Marie Deeming. Women rock!