We knew this book would be good, but we didn’t know just how good it would be until we downloaded a preview from the publisher. Peixes Recifais Brasileiros, or Brazilian Reef Fishes, is a brand-new 320-page hardback book compiled by dozens of leading Brazilian ichthyologists, academics, and authors including Dr.Luiz Rocha, most notably.
A reference book, this new publication is the most detailed and most comprehensive reference on Brazilian saltwater fishes to date, including all 446 species that live along Brazil’s Western Atlantic coastline, and even undescribed species, every one of them expertly profiled to include their size, depth, habitat, diet, behavior, ecology, and geographical range as well as a detailed introduction to all the fish families and genera.
Every single fish
Visit a reef anywhere south of where the Amazon meets the sea and every single fish you see will be detailed in this book. Damsels, wrasses, angels, and butterflies are of course covered, but when we mean every fish these researchers included every fish, from the sharks to the remoras, the herrings to the flatfish, and every fish in between, and that makes this book invaluable to every saltwater aquarium professional or researcher, avid saltwater fish hobbyists, and even sport fishermen.
Search the internet and you will always get lots of pictures, but what this book does so well is the quick reference as well as filling in the gaps and the educational part. The 875 photographs are accompanied by the fish’s common name and scientific name, even if it’s solitary or shoaling, so every photograph brings with it heaps of species information and everyone is guaranteed to learn something, just by looking at the simple profiles attached to each species.
Brazilian Reef Fishes is THE definite guide, it’s written both in English and Portuguese, and we can’t wait to buy a copy, covet it, and start digesting its huge wealth of information. Biotope aquariums at the ready!