Red Sea has simplified its dosing system by combining seven bottles into four. Reefkeepers not running algae refugiums were previously recommended to test for and dose seven different supplements from the Reef Care range – Calcium, Alkalinity, Magnesium, Iodine, Potassium, Iron, and Bioactive elements, which involved seven bottles, seven dosing heads, and seven test kits.
But according to Red Sea’s own research, they found that the 36 major and minor trace elements were all used up in a fixed ratio, (if not running a refugium) meaning that they could be combined into fewer bottles, meaning less dosing heads necessary, less space in the cabinet, and fewer bottles to actually purchase to give your corals everything they need.

The new four-part Complete Reef Care Supplement Program entails 1 x Calcium and Magnesium, 1 x KH and pH, 1 x Iodine and Potassium, and 1 x Iron and Bioavailable Elements. With classic Balling, we dose equal parts of KH, Calcium, and Magnesium using regular KH testing to set the dosing. With Red Sea’s new four-part however, you set the dosing based solely on the tank’s Calcium consumption, Reef Beat/ReefDose works out the dosage of the three other bottles and all four parts are used up at the same ratio at the same time to keep things nice and neat.
And instead of having to do seven tests and chase seven numbers, Red Sea says you only have to do one Calcium test per week, and adjust the dosing accordingly.
The four parts now come as a set, and in three sizes for small to large reef tanks, or low to high consumption. The round bottles change to square although they keep the oh-so-useful nipples for quick and easy connection to dosing lines. It’s much simpler, we would like to try dosing based just on calcium consumption and it should be much easier and less stressful for those dosing for the first time too.