The Flower Anemone: A Hardy Caribbean Beauty

Anemones are iconic marine organisms that have long captured the imagination of saltwater aquarium hobbyists. Unfortunately, many of these iconic critters are poorly suited to life in the average home aquarium. Even those that are generally considered good aquarium candidates,…

Yellow is the Hot New Color of FLOWER Anemones

Flower Anemones have become the darling of the nano reef aquarium world, providing us with a veritable rainbow of colors and combinations in a hardy, easy to keep reef animal. Initially the orange colored specimens either with orange mouths, orange…

Flower Anemones & St Thomas Shrooms From Belize Will Blow Your Mind!

Belize is well known in the Caribbean Sea as a concentration of biodiversity to divers, but now it’s finally going to be on the map in the aquarium world as well. Recent imports of flower anemones and St. Thomas shrooms from…

Incredible Timelapse Video of Spawning Flower Anemone!

Flower Anemone Spawning In September of last year, Dynasty Marine sent me a box of flower anemones (Epicystis crucifer) to set up a Caribbean biotope aquarium. While the aquarium has gone through some growing pains and at the moment is not very…

Flower Anemones Discovered in Bali Indonesia!

Flower anemones, Phymanthus crucifer, are one of the most striking reef invertebrates that until now, have only been available from Florida and surrounding Caribbean, or so we thought. Bali Aquarium shared some photos of a recent batch of ‘flower anemones’ from Indonesia…

Half and Half flower anemone is quite the showstopper

Flower anemones, Epicystis crucifer, is one of the hottest sea animals in the reef aquarium hobby right now and these beautiful creatures are impressing us in a crazy assortment of colors. We’ve seen every eye-melting shade of red, orange, green, and combinations…

Rock Flower Anemones Resurge in Popularity

Rock flower anemones are trending in popularity as of late in the reef aquarium hobby. They have always been readily available in the industry, as they are harvested close by in the Caribbean. But despite their relatively easy accessibility, they’ve…

Flower anemones are totally HOT right now!

Flower anemones have been part of the saltwater aquarium hobby since before there even was a Reef aquarium hobby. They’ve always been around, at all the fishstores – in grey, brown, greenish and occasionally with a little bit of orange coloration…

Spawning flower anemone lets its gametes go for the Coral Morphologic camera

If you thought flower anemones are cool, check out the appearance of this spawning flower anemone slowly ejecting a mass of white cloudy sperm into the aquarium water. This Epicystis crucifer was getting its sexual spawning on in the lab of…

The beauty of the flower anemone, an under-appreciated gem for any reef aquarium

I have always been a champion of the underdog when it comes to corals in this hobby and what is considered the most popular at the moment, often times are not my favorites. Flower anemones (Epicystis crucifer) are a truly…