Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Fan-cooled Gavita Plasma light is not solid-state but it is lighter and cheaper

Gavita’s fan cooled Plasma light is not the kind of light you’d want to hand over an open top reef tank, nor is it adequately protected for saltwater exposure but its price is much more in the affordable range. The…

Trimma maiandros is a new nano goby that is widespread in the Indo-Pacific

Trimma maiandros is a new species of nano goby from the Indo-Pacific which was recently described. Although it seems like countless new species of Eviota and Trimma gobies are frequently described that are lacking in the color department, the new…

Skimz Leopard to feature ‘Inverted Cone’ protein skimmer design

The Skimz Leopard protein skimmer is a new line of fractionators coming soon from the makers of the Skimz Monzter cone skimmers. The Skimz Leopard skimmer is said to feature an “Integrated Inverted Cone” design which we hope will be…

Stunning videos of a juvenile and an adult male spotted angelfish, Genicanthus takeuchii

While most angelfish reserve their reverence for the Hawaiian masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus, when it comes to swallowtail angelfish we hold the spotted angelfish, Genicanthus takeuchii, closest to our reefing hearts. You can imagine our excitement when we discovered not…

ATB Nano internal protein skimmer is an air-driven hottie

The ATB Nano is a protein skimmer that we’ve seen before – we saw it in the ATB Nano Hang-On skimmer and the ATB Mikro Nano cone skimmer – but now ATB has an eye-catching new fractionator in the ATB…

OFI publishes a guide to standard common names for aquarium marinelife

Complaints in the marine aquarium hobby have never ceased either about the difficulty in pronouncing the scientific names or in the inconsistency in common names in the trade. At least one entity, Ornamental Fish International (OFI) has released a small…

Another white tang is discovered, this time it’s a Scopas

Ok we know you’re probably sick of white tangs over the last couple weeks but this one is different because it’s a scopas tang from the Indian Ocean. The images of this near-solid white Zebrasoma scopas come to us from…

Wet Circuits’ waterproof power strip now available from Hydrofarm dealers

The Wet Circuits waterproof powerstrip is a surprising electrical device which actually mixes well with water. Last year we reported on this new waterproof power strip which instantaneously shuts off power to outlets which are short circuited by water or…

BioBubble habitat is neat but not suitable for most marine fish

The BioBubble is an interesting and versatile animal habitat which is convertible between aquarium, terrarium, small pets and mini greenhouse. The BioBubble might be neat but they’ve clearly overestimated the capacity of the puny air driven filter and underestimated the…

RB Personal Shopper: Attack of the killer Cycloseris

Cycloseris are some of the hardiest and most colorful LPS corals available to reefers. We love all kinds of Cycloseris including Rainbow Cycloseris and we even had a Cycloseris of the year contest at the end of 2009. About a…