Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Unique lamp from Switch Lighting contains LEDs in liquid to aid heat flow

Just when we thought we’d about seen it all, including an actively watercooled LED light, along comes Switch Lighting with a unique design for a Liquid LED lamp. The outward-facing LEDs of the Switch Lighting liquid LED are all mounted…

A piebald yellow tang appears, shows no end to the abnormally colored surgeonfish

We’ve gotten wind of another mutant Zebrasoma, this time it’s not a nearly solid white yellow tang like Casper or Powder but a much larger specimen with really bold white and yellow markings. The piebald yellow tang was acquired by…

Blue Planet Reef Farms’ equipment coming up for auction

About a year ago we reported on the closing of Blue Planet Reef Farms and in a few weeks you will have the opportunity to profit from their loss. It appears that many aspects of BPRF never really got off…

Fluorescent coral photoshoot goes down at ORA’s farm

Fluorescent corals are the primary reason that many of us got into the reefing hobby in the first place. Although we all strive to have daytime lights which show the fluorescence of corals under balanced lighting, there is no substitute…

Pseudanthias pictilis, amazing painted anthias specimens arrive at Quality Marine

Pseudanthias pictilis is a showstopping specimen of anthias which was once widely regarded as THE anthias to have in your reef. Both males and females of Pseudanthias pictilis have amazing coloration which is dominated by an anterior body which is…

Blue Panama Zoanthids show up at LiveAquaria aplenty

Panama Zoanthids are the latest soon-to-be craze in the polyp collecting world. Australian and West Aussie Zoanthids are fine and all but since they are collected by westerners and shipped halfway across the world, even the mediocre colonies of Aussie…

Plectranthias sagamiensis video from Blue Harbor

It’s no secret that Plectranthias fascinate us; P. nanus is a tiny one, P. xanthomaculatus was recently described from Taiwan and of course we have a red Plectranthias inermis running around our own tanks. Technically Plectranthias are an anthias but…

Maxi Jet Pro powerhead gets compared to a Maxi Jet Classic

The Maxijet Pro is Marineland’s much overdue refinement of the Maxijet water pump not just as a powerhead, but as a platform of water movement. We first reported on the Maxijet Pro from some boxes that UPG was showing off…

Another Mauritius triggerfish lands in Japan, a sign of more Mauritius exports

B-Box Aquarium is flaunting another fine rare reef fish specimen they have in stock, this time it’s the rare Rhinecanthus cinereus, the Mauritius triggerfish. We first wrote about this unusual picasso triggerfish when Yadokariya received some unusual fish from Mauritius…

EvoSpot is a 12 watt fan-cooled PAR38 LED spotlight

The EvoSpot is a new PAR38 LED spotlight from Reefkoi’s Evolution LEDs which packs a little something extra. Not only do the twelve one watt LEDs have a susbtantial heatsink for thermal management to keep cool, there’s also a tiny…