Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Ecoxotic celebrates Earth Day by sponsoring the Coral Restoration Foundation

The Coral Restoration Foundation is an organization in Florida which is actively farming Carribean stony corals such staghorn and elkhorn species for the purposes of rebuilding reefs. We’ve previously written about the efforts of the Coral Restoration Foundation to rehabilitate…

Baby bandit angelfish videos from Blue Harbor and B-Box Aquarium

Baby bandit angelfish, Apolemichthys arcuatus, from Hawaii seem to be popping up all over the place and two of Japan’s powerhouse rare fish dealers have stepped up with nice videos of their tiny bandits .Both Blue Harbor and B-Box Aquarium are…

Velve OLED is the world’s first dimmable and color tuneable organic LED from Verbatim

Velve OLED panels from Verbatim are perhaps the first Organic LED lighting panel that could be considered for use in an uber high end aquarium light fixture. Whereas previous OLED components cost hundreds of dollars for a tiny little sample…

Kessil A150w LED spotlight colors tested against the Mame RGB Ecolight

We’ve already looked all up inside Kessil’s A150w LED spotlight and it’s matrix array LED chip but the ultimate proof is in the pudding. Pictured above is a sneak peek at Ecoreef Two which has been growing medium light corals…

Close up video of Lipogramma klayi from B-box Aquarium

We know it may seem like we have an unhealthy obsession with the rare and cryptic, deepwater Lipogramma klayi but we just can’t help ourselves. It’s only been a few weeks since we posted a video of Lipogramma klayi from…

Vpure flake food from H2O Life spotted on the shelves of Vivid Aquariums

Vpure flake fish food is a new product from H20 Life, makers of frozen fish food, target feeders and a whole range of dried seaweeds and food soaks. We spotted a small display of the new H20 Vflake sitting on…

Bon’s lagoon has come a long way in just four months

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ecFrn2GRFA[/youtube] Precisely four months ago we called out Vivaldi’s new reef tank as being destined for greatness. The set up of Bon’s Lagoon is meticulous; ultra modern trimless tank and low profile reefscape and high tech equipment including Ecoxotic LED…

Another white yellow tang collected in Hawaii, codename: Powder

  The white yellow tang pictured above is a newly collected aberrantly colored Zebrasoma which we are codenaming ‘Powder’. Casper the white tang has been a sensation and the trophy fish of World Wide Corals since he was collected. However…

Paracheilinus nursalim flasher wrasses from New Guinea

Paracheilinus nursalim is one of the new species of flasher wrasses from New Guinea which is still completely unknown in the aquarium world. Only described in 2008, both Paracheilinus nursalimwas discovered on the biological expedition to the Bird’s Head Peninsula…

Array Quantum LED, hands on with the first LED spotlight with a quantum dot lens

The Quantum LED spotlight from Array Lighting is the first consumer lighting product to feature a nano dot lens to give it that nice old school tungsten feel. Why would we care about a light which intentionally looks like an…