Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Bay Area Marine Aquarium Conference (BayMAC) in San Jose, CA next weekend

On Saturday June 13th, the second annual Bay Area Marine Aquarium Conference will take place in San Jose California. The event will go down from 10:30 am until 5 pm, it is  completely  free to the public and no club…

NeoMarine Reef Salt from Brightwell Aquatics

Brightwell Aquatics has just released their NeoMarine Reef Salt which is specifically designed to mix up as close to natural seawater as possible. The new salt is manufactured in Brightwell’s own in-house production facility which is a first; many of…

Indo-Pacific Scolymia is now officially recognized as Acanthophyllia deshayesiana

You know that coral we’ve been calling Scolymia for all these years? Well it turns out it’s not a Scolymia at all but a member of it’s own genus, Acanthophyllia. There has been confusion surrounding the true taxonomic identity of…

LiveAquaria spawns the extremely rare Mccullochi clownfish

In a feat that has been documented only once before, LiveAquaria’s resident pair of Mccullochi clownfish has spawned at their facility and the kinky couple did it all in front of a video camera. It was only last fall that…

Now this is what you call balling

Three dosing pumps? Four dosers? Five? Puh-lease. Unless you are rocking six or more uber expensive, super precise peristaltic dosing pumps to individually add every single bit of ions to your trendy reef tank, you are just a poseur. If…

Julian Sprung’s aquarium showcases modern and elegant reefing design

Trimless and braceless tank, check. Discreet and unobtrusive equipment, check. Stylish red metal stand and concealed filter system, double check. Reef aquarium legend Julian Sprung has nothing to hide with his main reef display aquarium splayed out across the pages…

Dancing Montipora polyps are a preview of forthcoming coral film by Delrious

We don’t know whether to be more impressed by the quality of the superman montipora coral or the time lapse macro-photography video. The video above starts out innocuous enough but once you get to the halfway mark, you’ll get a…

Rare Fish Video Alert: Bodianus sanguineus, Odontanthias Fuscipinnis and a random barbefish

The little strip of Bodianus sanguineus in the video above is among one of the rarest fish in the aquarium trade. Until about 10 years ago there existed only one image of a live specimen taken from a deepwater submersible …

ORA begins releasing platinum percula clownfish

The nearly all white percula clownfish which we first reported back in November have started being released with a precious name and a precious price. The nearly all white clownfish which are descendants of the picasso clownfish strain will be…

Daniel Knop’s aquarium macro photo gallery gets up close with aquarium life

Daniel Knop has been filling the pages of German and American magazines with wonderful photographs for over a decade and now he has started putting together a mac image gallery. If you have a taste for macro shots you will…