EcoTech marine, the purveyor of premium high quality pumps and lighting equipment for both freshwater and saltwater tanks recently dropped the price of one of their most popular pumps by one hundred dollars. Suffice to say the price drop has…
ORA’s Whitespotted Pymgy Filefish Makes A Third
Filefish are one of those forgotten groups in our hobby. Not generally thought of as reef safe, too timid for the typical fish-only setup (where their relatives, the Triggerfish, tend to be more obvious choices), the Filefish are relegated to…
ORA commercializes the Rare White Bonnet Clownfish
ORA finally debuted a project that they’ve been working on for a year (well, actually a decade if you count the total time they’ve pursued this clownfish variety). We finally have commercially available captive-bred F1 Amphiprion leucokranos, the White Bonnet…
Captive Bred Mandarins Return…But Only for a Moment
After Scott Fellman’s well-written rant surrounding the explanation and loss of ORA Mandarin Dragonet production, the collective breeding world pretty much wrote off seeing captive-bred Synchiropus spp. for the foreseeable future. I echoed Fellman’s sentiments recently in my own story…
Revisiting the custom PE Mysis strainer pot
From time-to-time, we start poking around all the thousands of posts we’ve written and we remember some of the cool stuff we’ve seen, written or created. This article originally appeared in January 2012 and it got us thinking, what cool…
New Morse Code PNG Maroon Clownfish from Sea & Reef
Sea & Reef Aquaculture announced the release of their new PNG-lineage “Morse Code” Maroon Clownfish, Premnas biaculeatus. Lovers of the Lightning Maroon Clownfish, or for that matter any of the unusual Maroon Clownfish that came out of Papua New Guinea…
Longfin Ocellaris: The Verdict? It’s Genetic!
Just yesterday we published our 2013 Marine Breeding Year in Review, part II, which included speculation and a short update about Sustainable Aquatic’s Longfin Ocellaris breeding project. At the time the review was written in late December, Sustainable had just…
Online coral shopping: is What-You-See really What-You-Get?
Many die-hard hobbyists know exactly where and when the new cool stuff comes in. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to be present physically when a new shipment is unpacked. In these cases, the internet is a great thing: lots…
Feds aren’t messing around when it comes to coral smuggling
For coral vendors looking to sneak one past theĀ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service you might want to think again. The Federal Courts have sentenced one person to a year in prison along with a $500,000 for smuggling corals over a…