Saltwater Fish

Metallic green mask Cryptocentrus pavoninoides is a rare aberration on a common fish

Aberrations in fish are rare, but extreme aberrations are seldom seen and almost unheard of. Over the years we’ve covered a heck load of aberrant and hybrid fish, but this one today is quite something. RVS Fish World just bagged a…

Reef Nuggets 2: Aquatic Lepidopterans for your reef (Revised edition)

In our previous episode of Reef Nuggets, we explored our options for peaceful and lesser known damselfish to add a little spark of colour and life to our aquariums. Having vanquished the hateful stereotype that not all damsels are malevolent and…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Genicanthus watanabei and notes on the genus

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features a member from the angelfish family Genicanthus, which features medium to large plankton feeding species that sport unusually long tail filaments. Like the colloquial name “swallowtail angels” suggests, Genicanthus are noted for their markedly long…

Photos of Cirrhilabrus cenderawasih and Paracheilinus walton give us a glimpse into the endemic life of West Papua

In a world abundant with coral reefs and geographical landscapes, no place captivates me quite like the amazing and wonderful West Papua. Isolated and disjunct from just about everywhere, the local flora and fauna both terrestrial and aquatic have evolved in…

Reef Nuggets 1: Damsels in disguise

Here at ReefBuilders, we keep our readers on their fins as we strive to deliver the latest aquarium happenings around the world. At the same time, we also try to pepper our blogroll with informative posts so as to keep that…

Pseudanthias flavicauda sighted in tahiti, with video of its habitat

Pseudanthias flavicauda aka the yellow tailed anthias is a juicy colorful species of anthias which is rarely ever seen in the aquarium trade. First described in Fiji, Pseudanthias flavicauda was recently collected in the Coral Sea by Cairns Marine and now…

Golden grouper collected in the Philippines is extremely lucky to be alive

The fish pictured above is a super common Boenak grouper, Cephalopholis boeanak, with a one-two punch of extremely rare traits.The reason we are writing about this fish at all is that it exhibits and marked form of xanthism turning it a…

Ultra Rare Fish Alert: First live photos of Chromis struhsakeri and Bodianus bathycapros

Robert Whitton is a renowned underwater videographer and naturalist, and is currently working in the ichthyological department of natural sciences as a research assosiate at the Bishop Museum in Hawaii. Robert runs a blog called Explorer’s Log where he documents…

Diary entry 1: Fighting fire with fire, chronicles of Pseudochromis tonozukai

Dear diary, i’m at my wits end. It has been three days since I’ve initiated my plan to remove a male Pseudochromis tonozukai from my reef. I’ve tried everything, but this fish is no ordinary dottyback. Highly intelligent, careful and…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: The mysterious Pseudocheilinus ocellatus

It’s been awhile since our last Awesome Fish Spotlight, and today we’re featuring the mystical Mystery Wrasse. To be honest I have no idea why this fish is called the Mystery Wrasse. There’s a certain pensive sinister look to this fish.…