Fish Videos

We can never get enough of the Tattoo Jawfish

If there’s a shortlist of marine reef fish that always capture our attention when any news or media surfaces of them, the Tattoo Jawfish is definitely on it. Only known from deep habitats of the Northwest Pacific, the Tattoo Jawfish, Opistognathus…

Centropyge deborae video shows this cryptic fish closer than ever

Once we get a lock on a relatively poorly known reef fish or coral, our short term infatuation is not over until we’ve thoroughly documented the specimen with great write ups, great photographs, and especially a movie. Our subject today…

Underwater crop circle-building pufferfish officially described as Torquigener albomaculosus

Pufferfish seem to make headlines for all kinds of interesting behaviors from chasing lasers, apparently mourning the loss of a friend, and especially for helping dolphins to get high. But no pufferfish behavior garnered more attention than the elaborate “underwater…

Reef Nuggets 5: Pseudanthias and notes regarding feeding and husbandry

In Reef Nuggets 4 we recounted Macropharyngodon and our personal experience with maintaining a harem using M. vivienae as an example. Today’s installation will aim at covering a topic that’s widely discussed, and on a subject that is ubiquitous and iconic in…

LiveAquaria’s Tailless eibli angelfish

The eibli angelfish, Centropyge eibli, is a very common and widespread aquarium fish. You can therefore imagine the disconnect we felt when we saw that LiveAquaria is offering an eibli angelfish for the princely sum of $279, but then we saw…

“Uncharted Waters” by The Association for Marine Exploration shows a deluge of incredible twilight zone reef species

The twilight zone is one of the least explored places anywhere in the ocean and human surveys are greatly limited by SCUBA diving. In this 16 minute long video by AME titled “Uncharted Waters”, a brief explanation is given on…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Lavish Liopropoma, the Golden Basslet

Our first Awesome Fish Spotlight for 2015 goes to the infallibly lavish Liopropoma aberrans, otherwise known as the Golden Basslet. L. aberrans is a cornea scorching fish with an incredibly vibrant combination of saturated yolk-yellow, bleeding into a rich tangerine toward the centre.…

Casper the white tang has undergone a radical transformation

Casper the world-famous all-white yellow tang is quickly becoming the best documented specimen of a surgeonfish in aquariums, or in the wild. From humble beginnings in mid-2010, the little blanched Zebrasoma flavescens first gained notoriety as one of the crowning animals…

Rainbow basslet video shows the full glory of Liopropoma fasciatum

A nice close up video is the culmination of finally getting a healthy and stunning example of a fish that up until a month ago was unknown in the hobby. We are speaking of course of the fabulous rainbow basslet from…

Huge spawning fish swarms in Palau really are Unique Dive Expeditions

The internet is full of superlatives related to all kinds of topics but we’re planting a flag in this virtual ground, and stating outright that these videos of mass spawning aggregations from Unique Dive Expeditions are some of the most…