Fish Videos

Black tailed Centropyge heraldi is just another one of numerous confusing variations

Centropyge heraldi is an unassuming yellow dwarf angelfish with a huge can of worms just waiting to be opened. When you do, you’ll probably want to break down and cry in confusion. Apart from the standard yellow dwarf angelfish, C.…

Sugoi Sakana Supottoraito: Chaetodon nippon

No, your screen isn’t displaying random alphabets in a series of unpronounceable words. Our atrocious attempt at translating today’s title post into Japanese was intentional. We’re going international on today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight (literally), and we’re featuring a butterflyfish that could…

Decompressing marine fish from the deep reefs of Curacao

The following is a guest contribution from Joe Oliver, a resident Marine Biologist for the Curacao Sea Aquarium and Substation Curacao. As an aquarist (hobbyist or professional) there is a huge array of fishes available as possible options when it comes…

Symphysanodon katayamai is a beautiful slopefish that is almost unknown in the trade

Many deepwater reef fish don’t get enough air time simply because they live so deep and are hard to find. One such fish is Symphysanodon katayamai, or the yellow striped slopefish. Symphysanodon is a genus comprising of about a dozen…

Our Tigerpyge hybrid gets a video update in HD

Although much of the hype surrounding the Tigerpyge angel has died down since its meteoric appearance a few years ago, there is no denying its sheer beauty and grace. Of all the hybrids we’ve seen and gawked at, the lemon peel and…

It looks as though Synchiropus circularis and S. splendidus are intentionally hybridising in the wild

The mandarins and scooters in the genus Synchiropus are among some of the most endearing and staple favourites in the aquarium hobby. Mandarins are especially colourful, and their crawling like behaviour coupled with their unorthodox appearance makes for some of…

CoralFriend’s newest video shows three of the rarest angelfish together

The video may not be the smoothest, it’s a little shaky and the colors undersaturated but any marine angelfish fan will immediately recognize that this aquarium contains three of the rarest of the rare Pomacanthids. Dr. Chung Wing Hung’s collection…

Reef Nuggets 3: Fairies and Flashers, with notes from the wild

Today’s Reef Nuggets deal with a topic very close to my heart. Cirrhilabrus and Paracheilinus, or more commonly known as the fairy and flasher wrasses. Instead of my usual banter on “this ultra rare flasher wrasse” or that “extremely deepwater…

Rolling in the Deep in this awesome video from Papua New Guinea recently released this remarkable video shot in Papua New Guinea. While many other reefs and dive destinations in the Coral Triangle are dealing with the negative impact mankind has had on the local ecosystem, PNG is one of the…

Pseudanthias flavicauda sighted in tahiti, with video of its habitat

Pseudanthias flavicauda aka the yellow tailed anthias is a juicy colorful species of anthias which is rarely ever seen in the aquarium trade. First described in Fiji, Pseudanthias flavicauda was recently collected in the Coral Sea by Cairns Marine and now…