The top 10 things to know about the Vectra M1 & L1 DC Pumps from Ecotech Marine

Last week we were fortuante enough to be at Ecotech Marine headquarters in Allentown PA for the official unveiling of the company’s first controllable DC centrifugal pump, the Vectra M1 and L1. Last Friday’s live Google Hangout Q&A with Tim…

Japanese coral video is in “supernatural” high definition

We share a lot of rare fish and exotic coral eye candy here on Reef Builders, and Japan has its fair share. There is coral “porn”, and then there are superbly close and exquisite corals that look so surreal and perfect,…

Freshwater planted tanks, something completely different

As those of you that know me or have seen me speak or have read my stuff or watched my videos know, I love the saltwater side of the hobby, and especially anything to do with reefs. I consider myself…

Reefing from Afar, Part 4: The Wong Solution

The last article discussed some of the quick and simple ways to take care of your reef while being away for just a short period of time. Due to my work responsibilities, which require travel around the world for two-…

Reef Nuggets 2: Aquatic Lepidopterans for your reef (Revised edition)

In our previous episode of Reef Nuggets, we explored our options for peaceful and lesser known damselfish to add a little spark of colour and life to our aquariums. Having vanquished the hateful stereotype that not all damsels are malevolent and…

The new InterZoo products we expect to see at MACNA

Writing about the release of the Radion Mounting System got us to thinking about all the new products we reported on at InterZoo which American reefers will see for the first time at MACNA. While it may be four months…

EcoSmart Live Beta announced with Dropcam support and VorTech integration

Ecotech Marine announces the availability of a new beta program for their recently redesigned EcoSmart Live software program. The new update has a refreshed look and feel, improved usability and several updates to new features the largest being dropcam support…

EuroQuatics Angel LED by Gavita Lighting launches with sophisticated features

The Angel LED is a new aquarium LED light from EuroQuatics, a newcomer to the aquarium world but its parent company has been doing lighting for years. More than four years ago we first detailed Gavita Lighting‘s illumination prowess with…

The business of the Ecotech Marine and Aqua Illumination Merger

I’ve been following the business side of things here in the aquatics business for some time. Just last week we had the biggest news in the history of the hobby. Two major competitors were joining forces: Ecotech Marine and Aqua…

Why would Ecotech Marine and AquaIllumination join forces?

The news that Ecotech Marine and AquaIllumination had completed a formal merger came as quite a shock to the marine aquarium world. The reasons for AI and EM joining forces might come across as a monopolistic move to the shortsighted,…