How to Maintain Suspension-Feeding Sea Cucumbers 

When most hobbyists imagine sea cucumbers, or holothuroid species as they’ll be referred to later, we envision bottom-dwelling detritivores with little personalities whose slug-like bodies made their way into our tank simply to serve as valuable members of the clean-up-crew. …

The Eight Hawaiian Fish Species Proposed to Return to the Hobby

Yesterday we shared a request from the Fisherman of Hawaii asking for people in the aquarium industry, (and the hobby,) to submit testimony to reopen the fishery. This generated many shares, emails, and lots of industry chatter, but it also…

In Defense of Rudie’s Wrasses

Rudie Kuiter is an Australian ichthyologist who has published extensively on Indo-Pacific reef fishes. Over the past half-century, he has described 56 new species, including a variety of wrasses, angelfishes, butterflyfishes, cardinalfishes, assessors, and, in particular, seahorses and pipefishes, though…

Pachyseris – So Much More than Meets the Eye

Pachyseris is a name you might not be abundantly familiar with, and I don’t blame you. Like the majority of other aquarists, if your only experience with corals is through the aquarium hobby (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with),…

Maxspect MJ-GF Gyre Flow Pumps Bring More Power and Customizable Water Flow

Maxspect has revamped its popular Jump gyres with the launch of two new upgraded wave pump models. The new MJ-GF308 and MJ-GF316 look similar to their predecessors, with the classic handlebar style gyre design and orange propellors, only with three…

How to Mix Aggressive and Territorial Marine Fish

One of the biggest pains in the butt with saltwater aquarium fish is not just those who are a threat to our corals, it’s those who are a threat to each other! Here are some tips for how to manage…

Alkatronic Pro Can Control KH, pH, and Temperature

It’s been seven long years since we first wrote about the Alkatronic KH monitor and controller, when Focustronic was then, primarily, a budding lighting manufacturer. We remember installing an Alkatronic at the store we worked in and bestowing the virtues…

How a Cooling Fan Can Save Your Tank from Overheating

If you’re new to reefing there’s so much to learn about keeping corals alive, but one of the fundamentals – more important even than KH and phosphate, more important even than light and flow, is temperature. It’s not the cold…

An Interview with a Coral Nursery Technician from the Bahamas

While staying on Cat Island in the Bahamas one day my family and I went to eat at the Greenwood Resort. Not only did it have a spectacular view and food but the people were all very warm and welcoming.…

The Emperor of Commensal Shrimp Relationships

The Emperor shrimp is a very small, rarely imported shrimp, typically sporting bright orange and white primary colors. They can be found across the Indo-Pacific. Typically, we see this species associated with “Medusa worms” in captivity as their most popular…