This Specimen is a Great Candidate for a Queen X Rock Beauty Hybrid

Hybrid angelfish and finding them is one of the more interesting aspects to being a fan of the more than one hundred species of the most colorful and interesting fish on tropical coral reefs. Sometimes the hybrids are very obvious…

Top 10 Angelfish Stories of 2019

It’s no secret that marine angelfish are some of the highest profile pets for our saltwater and reef aquariums, and they are certainly among our favorite reef animals to write about. With a circumtropical distribution, their captive breeding breakthroughs, aberrations,…

The BEST Photos and Articles of Vincent Chalias

Over the last twenty years, and even more so the last decade, the contributions of Vincent Chalias to the global reef aquarium hobby, industry and community have been incalculable. As one of the first pioneers of coral farming in Indonesia,…

Most Popular Reef Aquarium Stories of 2016!

Our annual roundup of 2016’s best stories is one of our favorite times, when we reflect on the most popular stories that You the readers liked the most. As much as any other recent year, two thousand and sixteen had…

Reef-Friendly Resolutions for 2014

Happy New Year to all our salty friends around the world! Chris and I wish you and your loved ones the very best in 2014. We’d also like to express our sincere gratitude for the support you’ve given us since…

The real Odontanthias chrysostictus from Indonesia is only the second specimen we’ve seen so far

Having recently untangled the confusing web spun by the three highly similar Odontanthias species, we are now able to look at things with a fresh slate and a brand new perspective. Here’s a looker worth a few minutes of your…

Differentiating the befuddling trio: Odontanthias chrysostictus, O. katayamai and O. tapui

For a long time, the confusion between Odontanthias chrysostictus, O. katayamai as well as O. tapui has afflicted many. We’ve made the mistake of wrongly identifying these fishes in the past as well. We hope to straighten out the mistakes…