There’s something fishy with some of the Clown Tangs of the Seychelles

Part of the excitement about being a fancier of marine life is the ability to follow leads of curiosity, no matter how improbable the odds of success in finding something meaningful, even when you don’t really know what you are…

Monochrome magnifica, the almost magnificent fire fish

Somewhere along the primeval soup of genetic crossing and embryonic development, a magnificent fire fish decided to break free from the metaphorical cloning factory and decided to be different. The concept of massed produced factory clones is not limited only…

Blackface Bicinctus clownfish is the freaky fish of the week

Sometimes it seems like every fish we enjoy in our aquariums is bound to have a turn at exhibiting aberrant coloration, and this week’s freaky fish is this odd blackface bicinctus clownfish. Amphiprion bicinctus also known as the two-banded clownfish is…

Huge spawning fish swarms in Palau really are Unique Dive Expeditions

The internet is full of superlatives related to all kinds of topics but we’re planting a flag in this virtual ground, and stating outright that these videos of mass spawning aggregations from Unique Dive Expeditions are some of the most…

2014 recap: Top 10 scintillating reef fish stories

2014 is fizzing away by the day and as usual, we’ve recapped our ten favourite reef fish stories for the year. Normally we’d put out our top ten highlights just as the year closes to make sure no surprises pops…

Aberration reversion of Ctenochaetus documented by Cairns Marine

We’re not unfamiliar to the sight of “xanthic-koi” type aberrants that plague various fishes. Vitiligo and other forms of patchy off-coloured specimens appear from time to time, and seem to be particularly prevalent in surgeonfish of the genus Ctenochaetus as…

Wild Morse Code Maroon imported from Solomon Islands

Since 2010, in fish breeding circles the name ‘Morse Code’, which was first applied to a singular fish, has come to represent White Stripe Maroon Clownfish who display extra spots and bars, in some respects similar to the extra spots…

Black tailed Centropyge heraldi is just another one of numerous confusing variations

Centropyge heraldi is an unassuming yellow dwarf angelfish with a huge can of worms just waiting to be opened. When you do, you’ll probably want to break down and cry in confusion. Apart from the standard yellow dwarf angelfish, C.…

Our Top 5 favorite stories from Cairns Marine

For twenty years Cairns Marine has been a leading collector and supplier of sustainably harvested marine aquarium livestock and for most of Reef Builders’ existence Cairns Marine has been an invaluable partner in helping us get the word out about…

Time Travel Thursday: Mr Wong’s collection from the film era

In our previous installation with regards to Mr. Wong, we took a look at some of his existing collection of butterflyfish in his home aquarium. Today we’re stepping into a time machine to explore some of Mr. Wong’s fish that he…