Do you ever get that feeling? The High. Are you a fish geek too?

Obsessed. To be obsessed about something. It’s such a beautiful word. Loud. Expressive. Used to convey an insufferable expression of fixation about something. Isn’t it wonderful? To be filled with that mind controlling thought. The poison that drips from the very cosmos of…

Metallic green mask Cryptocentrus pavoninoides is a rare aberration on a common fish

Aberrations in fish are rare, but extreme aberrations are seldom seen and almost unheard of. Over the years we’ve covered a heck load of aberrant and hybrid fish, but this one today is quite something. RVS Fish World just bagged a…

6 great iPhone applications for identifying and learning about reef fish

If you’re one of the 10 million people who got a shiny new iPhone 6 this weekend, or just happen to have a shiny slab of computing power that fits in your pocket, you should really take advantage of it…

Ultra rare aquarium video of Centropyge nahackyi

There’s been a veritable parade of new and rare angelfish entering the aquarium hobby as of late, it’s getting a little hard to keep up with it all. Between the Ballina angelfish video, captive bred personatus angelfish, scribbled and hybrid…

Behind the face of LiveAquaria – Kevin Kohen’s fish collection part 1

Any saltwater hobbyist worth his salt or doesn’t live under a rock surely knows about LiveAquaria. On this post MACNA trip, we managed to visit their facility and caught up with Kevin Kohen, the man behind the company. Seeing as we’ve already covered…

A trio of interesting yellow angelfish have been collected in the Philippines

Unique angelfish are one of our favorite topics to write on and today we’re lucky enough to bring to your attention three unique Centropyge pygmy angelfish.  While sometimes it seems like we’ve seen it all, collections in the Philippines by RVS Fishworld continue to…

Secrets of the ghost anthias revealed in Sakayana’s dive blog

We’ve mentioned briefly before that the genus Pseudanthias, and anthias in general, are not prone to hybridisation and aberrations. Despite making their presence deeply felt by occupying almost every square inch of coral reef in shallow water, and even being…

Helcogramma is another poorly known nano fish bursting with reef aquarium potential

If you thought the multitude of unknown Trimma species out there were heartbreakers for the nano fish realm, here’s another very unknown and poorly offered genus that is equally suited for the home style reef tanks. Helcogramma is a genus…

The vitiligo angelfish, and Centropyge colouration

The dwarf angelfishes of the Genera Centropyge and Paracentropyge are amongst our favorite reef fishes, in part for their fabulous array of colour morphs and hybrids. We’ve always been fascinated by the variety of these aberrant individuals, and seem to…

Hybrid and xanthic triggerfish that you’ll never forget

Hybrid triggerfish are exceptionally rare but as we keep an eye out for these kind of things, here’s a story on some hybrid clown triggerfish. After viewing several reviews on super rare fish that came by the end of the…