MACNA 2016 to be hosted in San Diego, California by the S.D Marine Aquarium Foundation

It’s official. MACNA 2016 will take place in San Diego California, hosted by the San Diego Marine Aquarium Foundation (SDMAF). The 28th annual Marine Aquarium Conference of North America makes its big return to the West Coast for the first time…

We tracked down the Purple Monster Acro to its original source

The Purple Monster Acropora is arguably one of the most infamous stony coral strains in the marine aquarium hobby, of all time. This particular strain of deep purple acro is the coral that kickstarted the whole idea of even having some corals that…

Three new species of Trimma gobies: T. aturirii, T. kardium & T. trioculatum

Three new species of Trimma pygmy gobies have been described, adding to the rapidly growing list of these miniature reef fish which are so diverse and desirable. The new species include Trimma aturirii , Trimma kardium and Trimma trioculatum, all of them quite…

Australogyra zelli, the magnificent branching moon coral

Last week we had the great fortune of returning from the Solomon Islands on a very special expedition to the Central Province, on behalf of Unique Corals, exploring for rare an unusual corals from this region of the Coral Triangle. Back in…

The Water Change Conundrum

We all have a friend in the hobby or know someone who constantly brags about how he or she has never done a water change and their tank is perfect. The corals are growing and colorful, the fish vibrant and active…

The Ecosystem Aquarium Method: What’s in the Miracle Mud?

  Of all the articles that I’ve written and all of the talks I’ve given over the years, none have stirred the souls of reefkeepers as much as my discussions of “Miracle Mud” and what it does and doesn’t do. For the…

Happy as a (devil) clam

The shell world. A fascinating paradigm filled with species both innocuous and psychedelic, attention grabbing and coy. This juxtaposition is carelessly expressed in multiple genera and types, even in our favourite Tridacna. Tridacna is best represented by the magnificent T. gigas, whose…

Coral fluorescence is a thing of magic

The scintillating brilliance that exudes from a coral is without a doubt the clinching factor for decision making in purchasing, propagating or just old school showing off. Yet the colour magic registered by your retina may just be a facade, masquerading a different…

A special visit to Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Following up on our recent European trip, we paid a visit to Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet in Sweden to give a little talk at a nordic coral symposium. Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet is a Maritime Museum and Aquarium located in Gothenburg, the second largest city in…

The super high end tank build of Reef 924, part 1

Reef 924 is what happens when you give the right aquarium company the freedom and resources necessary to build out a truly “dream tank”. Reef 924 is not your average, high-end reef tank, this particular build has more thought, planning…