Finding Nemo 2 coming in 2016, will the hobby experience another bump?

Pixar announced last week it will in fact be bringing Finding Nemo 2 to the big screen in 2016. This is pretty exciting news for fans of the original, especially with Finding Nemo 3D hitting the market this fall, and…

Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 1. Beyond the shopfront.

BlueHarbor is perhaps, one of the more iconic and reputable fish stores in the East and maybe even the world – Renowned for their incredible repertoire of some of the rarest reef fishes, as well as Koji’s incredible knowledge and…

Dr. G’s Medicated Frozen Foods for piece of mind

In a special installment, Reef Builders contributor Matt Pedersen (MP) and guest contributor, fish breeder Junkai Ong (FuEl), offer two viewpoints on Dr. G’s line of medicated frozen fish foods. Medicated feeds like Dr. G’s can prevent medications from entering…

Repashy Gel Foods take freshwater by storm…but there’s more

Repashy Gel Foods have a reputation among reptile enthusiasts, and the newer line of Repashy Superfoods for tropical fish have really caught the attention of freshwater fish enthusiasts for their value and for their ability to serve as a day…

The beauty of unintended good planning

This summer has been unusually warm across the US, brutally hot, actually. My area of the Southeast was recently hit with a triple digit heat wave. Around the same time, my air conditioner decided to break. Needless to say, my…

Friday Smorgasbord: LEGO whale shark, Panama Canal traffic and whales, resilient reefs, DIY traffic cone skimmer

Welcome to another fun Friday Smorgasbord post with some of the fun items we’ve stumbled across on the web the last week. First off we’ve seen quite a few Facebook postings of a LEGO whale shark and a little digging…

Waveline DC 5,000 and RLSS Skimmer reviewed: Even better when they’re together

Normally when I agree to do a product review, I proceed with a new additive or device very cautiously, running or testing products for just long enough to get a feel for how it performs over a medium amount of…

Drs. Mark Erdmann and Gerry Allen Coauthor Most Definite Species Reference of The East Indies To Date

Conservation International yesterday released what is currently the most comprehensive and definite species reference of the Coral Triangle to date. Reef Fishes of the East Indies is a three volume work coauthored by Drs. Mark Erdmann and Gerry Allen that…

Lemonpeel halfblack angelfish hybrid from LiveAquaria kicks it up a notch

We’ve written about so many different varieties of lemonpeel hybrids we never thought that one could come along with such a standout pattern to warrant another post. Seriously though, lemonpeel x halfblack hybrids, lemonpeel x eibli angelfish hybrids (Tigerpyge) and…

Friday Smorgasbord: Underwater art, resort get scrapped, library won’t get ‘Tanked,’ staycations, and finding NEEMO

It’s Friday and we have a slew of fun, interesting and unusual posts for our Friday Smorgasbord. In this week’s edition we have underwater art, a library that won’t be getting ‘Tanked,’ an interesting take on staycations and we’ll be…