Tomiyamichthys levisquama, a large showy goby described from Australia

Tomiyamichthys levisquama is a newly described species of shrimpgoby joining this large and diverse genus of bottom dwelling reef fish. The newly discovered T. levisquama was discovered living in coastal waters and soft bottom habitats of Northern Territory and Queensland, Australia.…

The Hardy, Colorful, Nano-Friendly Yellow Watchman Goby

Marine aquarium hobbyists who maintain nano tanks, whether by choice or necessity, often find it challenging to acquire fish that are well suited to their diminutive systems. But in the yellow watchman goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus), they can get all the…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Amblyeleotris latifasciata, the wide band shrimp goby

Shrimp gobies make fascinating and entertaining aquarium pets, especially when paired with a suitable pistol shrimp partner. Their classic symbiotic relationship needs no explanation. There are a ton of choices when it comes to shrimp gobies, and many remain small…

Tomiyamichthys smithi is the largest showy goby you’ve never even heard of

Tomiyamichthys smithi is just one of many different species of larger shrimp gobies from this little known genus. Although not as colorful as the shrimp associated gobies in the genus Cryptocentrus, the Monster Shrimpgoby genus Tomiyamichthys includes many different fish with complicated…

Proaquatix Annouces New Captive-Bred Watchman Goby Species

Commercial Marine Ornamental Fish Breeder Proaquatix promised more surprises for 2011 –  the announcement of captive bred bluefin watchman goby is one we couldn’t have predicted.  The Bluefin or Y-Bar Watchman Goby, Cryptocentrus fasciatus, isn’t commonly available in the trade…

Something Fishy: Fish Based Biotope Aquariums

I spend a lot of time talking and writing about marine biotope aquariums. As you may recall from my banter, a biotope aquarium is a system designed to replicate a specific environmental niche, such as a rubble zone, seagrass bed,…