Pink Acropora jacquelineae discovered in Raja Ampat

Acropora jacquelineae is a very recognizable species of deepwater or smooth skinned Acro. It is relatively easy to keep, but until now if you wanted to try your hand at growing the unique shape of Acropora jacquelineae you had to…

The unique colors of indonesian acropora

Variety is the spice of life and that’s no different than in the reefing world where collectors are always seeking different acros that they don’t have, wether it be different in combination of colors, form, or even a specific color…

‘Red’ Acropora suharsonoi discovered in central Indonesia

So-called deepwater Acropora are so different in appearance and ecology that they could easily belong to a different genus of coral. There’s a myriad of species that ascribe to the deepwater or ‘naked acro’ description, but the most extreme member of this…

Acropora horrida wows us with a green tip version

Acropora horrida is hands-down, one of the most beautiful and colorful species of Acropora available to aquarists, and it is also fairly common throughout Indo-Pacific reefs. ‘Horrida’ was one of the first Acros we drooled over from pictures of this…

Unique observations of the natural habitat of Acropora suharsonoi

As far as cool “mythical” acros go, for us Acropora suharsonoi has always been one of the be-all unique and beautiful small polyp stony corals for the home aquarium. As an SPS lover, getting our hands on this species for the…

USFWS Los Angeles: It is now illegal to import frogspawn & certain deepwater acro species

Update:  9/16/14 4:15PM CT Waiting on a call back from the Office of External Affairs regarding the validity of it being an honest mistake. Update 2: USFWS Los Angeles: We are now advising the trade of coming ESA listings We…

The second unknown Acropora discovered on the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition

One of the most exciting outcomes we could have hoped for on the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition is to encounter some corals that have never been seen before. Early on we observed not one but two species of Acropora the likes of which…

Unknown Acropora species discovered on the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition

If we had one greatest hope for the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition, it was to find some new, undescribed, and otherwise unknown species of marine life, with stony corals topping our wish list. Wouldn’t you know it, on just the…

Acropora rongelapensis is one of the craziest Acros we’ve ever seen

Ever first we learned and wrote about the exquisite Acropora rongelapensis, it has been on our bucket list to go to the Marshall Islands to find and photograph this species in the wild. Last week we just happened to be on…

Red Dragon Acro: large wild Acropora carduus colonies photographed in Bali

The reef aquarium hobby has never enjoyed so much diversity and abundance of maricultured stony corals but with so many of these species being highly sought after, it seems like all we know of many of these species is how…