Reef Builders Guide: How to setup a Reef Tank

    The best words I have to describe a coral reef is a “lush wasteland.” By this I mean many extremely different types of life inhabit a coral reef, yet it is incredibly nutrient poor. Reefs rely on powerful…

eBay Find of the Day: 165 gallon Saltwater Reef Aquarium Setup HQI Lights, sand, 150pounds live rock

Here is an great tank, maintained very well! Don’t let the first picture fool you! Equipment Specs: Titanium Chiller SpectraPure RO/DI water maker #MPDI25 (no trips to the fish store to get quality water) 3mo old SmartUV sterlizer M#02025 25watt…

Win A 12 Gallon Nano Reef Aquairum Setup

Guys, you have the chance to win a 12 gallon nano reef Aquarium Setup. How can you win? Easy. First join Reef Builders and make at least 10 posts. Then Make an entry at this thread, it could be anything…

Identity Theft! False Cleanerfishes In The Reefing Hobby

Wholesalers, LFS owners, and fellow hobbyists, let me tell you something. This freaky thing might well be lurking in your holding pens and display tanks, hidden in plain sight. What even is this? Why would this very real threat be…

Great Barrier Reef Coral Cover was at 38-Year High before Bleaching and Cyclones 

A new report on the Great Barrier Reef shows that coral cover was actually increasing in 2023 before a serious bleaching event in 2024, and damage from back-to-back cyclones in 2023/24. The report carried out by the Australian Institute of…

How to Set Up a Quarantine Tank for Saltwater Fish

No matter if you’re brand new to the reefkeeping hobby, or have forty years of experience under your belt, you need to quarantine every new saltwater fish you purchase, and you need a separate quarantine tank.  Remy went to the…

Does Size Matter in an NPS Coral Reef Tank?

One of the questions I get asked most often from people planning their NPS or azooxanthellate coral reef tank, besides my feeding schedule, is the ideal tank size for such a system. With regular, photosynthetic reef tanks, it’s a common…

Coral Supreme Hits the Master Scoly Jackpot 

One of the best parts of working for Reef Builders is when you wake up to private messages containing exciting fish or corals, and today was just one of those days. The animal? Homophyllia australis, aka the Scoly, from Queensland,…

CoralVue’s new Hydros XHO Light is Powered by ReefBrite

Hot on the heels of the Sole dosing pump launch is a new, separate component to the Hydros control and monitoring system – a dedicated LED aquarium light. Named the Hydros XHO, the new light comprises a 300x66mm long PCB…

DOC is The Most Important Parameter For A Healthy Reef Tank: Here’s a New Method to Manage It

In this article, I will provide an overview of my take on the current zeitgeist of reefing and explain why the entire industry is ignoring a critical aspect of coral care. I will explain what issues this parameter causes, how…