Biota offer cultured coral alternative from permit-restricted Palau

Most aquarium hobbyists in the United States today have never seen hard coral from Palau. Palau’s national congress passed the Marine Protection Act of 1994 which restricted hard coral exports, and starting in 1997, the MPA stated that only citizens…

Signature Frags is a Unique British Coral Boutique

British reefkeepers haven’t had a lot to get excited about lately. An exponential rise in the cost of electricity had loomed over many hobbyists to the point of shutting their tanks down, with few people shopping for new corals and…

This ReefStock Euphyllia is a Ham-Spawn amongst Frammer Corals

We’ve all seen Euphyllia corals exhibit a staggering degree of diversity in the appearance of their tissue, polyp and tentacles leading us to portmanteaux them into all different kinds of categories. We’ve seen the Torchspawn, the Frammer, but we posit…

Two Dipsastraea speciosa corals we wish we’d bought when we saw them

Do you ever regret not buying a coral? We were scrolling through our phone pictures recently when we were reminded of two “Favia” which were on sale when we worked in a wholesaler’s. There we dealt with thousands of corals…

Show soft corals some love with a shallow lagoon tank

We don’t show enough of our tanks from the other side of the Atlantic so I thought I would show my own little project from the UK – this 200 liter/52 gallon soft coral-dominated lagoon tank. It was devised over…

Coral Transport Cradle is a Perfect Use of 3D Printing

Like so many other hobbies and industries, 3D printing has carved out a niche within the broader aquarium world mostly creating small accessories that are of modest utility. 3D printed probe holders, controller holders, frag racks and pump guards are…

Window Shopping Some Great & Affordable wysiwyg Coral Frags

It’s been a really long time since we shared some interesting and unique corals from around the web. With more online coral vendors than ever before we only got through a few pages of google search results before we had more than…

The EU Bans Five Important Australian Corals from Import

Another year, another ban, and this time its LPS corals from Australia. As of the 11th of January 2022 the import of wild-collected Duncanopsammia axifuga, Catalaphyllia jardini, Euphyllia ancora, E. paraancora and E. glabrescens is banned across the whole of…

Bali Deepwater Acros Will Forever Be Our Favorite Exotic Corals

Coral fads and species hype comes and goes – Chalice corals had a nice long run, neat Favias were hot that one year, shrooms exploded onto the scene and are still going hot, and these days reefers rave over different…

Revised Queensland Coral Exports Approved Until 2024

The Australian government has confirmed that hard coral export from the Great Barrier Reef can continue for another three years, albeit with several caveats. In a statement by the Wildlife Trade Regulation Section, a new approval for the Wildlife Trade…