Aberrant Zebrasoma desjardinii is only the second of its kind we’ve seen

Another aberrant Sailfin Tang has been collected from the Indian Ocean for the aquarium trade. Because of its unusual pattern and unknown catch location, it’s hard to tell if this fish is Zebrasoma desjardinii like the world-beating Picasso Tang we…

Picasso Sailfin Tang is a Desjardini, not a Veliferum!

The Picasso Sailfin Tang is the first of its kind, an aberrant Red Sea Sailfin Tang, that has just made its way to America. Virtually all of the aberrant Zebrasoma ‘Koi’, ‘Piebald’ and ‘Tricolor’ tangs have all been scopas tangs, Z. scopas,…

Mysterious “Koi aberrants” are not exclusive to the Zebrasoma and Centropyge genera

Over the years we’ve featured a myriad of “koi” aberrations, which mostly seem to inflict large fully grown adults of the surgeonfish genus Zebrasoma, as well as the dwarf angel genus Centropyge. While not always aesthetically pleasing, from a genetic…

Purple Purple Tang and White-barred Asfur Angelfish are not your average Red Sea imports

For quite some time now the Hawaiian Yellow Tangs and Scopas Tangs have been hogging the limelight in the aberrant department for Zebrasoma surgeonfishes. Piebald yellow tangs, tricolor Scopas tangs and even pure white yellow tangs with fancy super-hero names given!…

Southwest Marines in the UK grows it’s own Phyto, and lots of it

There’s a pretty special shop in the UK called Southwest Marines which at first glance seems rather unassuming but they do some really interesting things. In addition to housing some amazing aberrant tricolor tangs and gem tangs like it was…