Hotspot of aberrant scopas tangs discovered south west of Java

Aberrant scopas tangs, also known as koi tangs and tricolor tangs are very unique form of the Zebrasoma scopas surgeonfish. A normal scopas tang is a fairly easy fish to overlook with a spade shaped body outline that has a basic…

A yellow Scopas Tang that’s even brighter than a Yellow Tang

The ubiquitous and staple Zebrasoma scopas (Scopas, or Brown Tang) is so variable that over the years we’ve seen aberrations and variations running the gamut from Koi types, ghost white, tricolored, dirty yellow and almost everything else in-between. While dirty…

Ghostly scopas tang shows aberration of both skin and eyes

A newly caught Zebrasoma scopas in Singapore is showing some ghostly resemblance to the infamous white-yellow tang, Casper. While not nearly as stark white as his cousin Casper, this new white Zebrasoma character started out nearly completely white with hints of…

Another white tang is discovered, this time it’s a Scopas

Ok we know you’re probably sick of white tangs over the last couple weeks but this one is different because it’s a scopas tang from the Indian Ocean. The images of this near-solid white Zebrasoma scopas come to us from…

Tricolor and gem tangs a plenty at Southwest Marines, UK

Southwest Marines was the first all marine aquarium store we visited in the UK and we must say it was quite a pleasant surprise to round the corner and spot LED lighting, two gem tangs, one tricolor tang (aberrant scopas)…

Maldivian Koi tang comes with valuable catch information

For every aberrant koi tang we feature here at Reef Builders, we’re bombarded by about six more from around the globe. To the point where we weren’t even going to feature this fish, based just on its looks and high…

The vitiligo angelfish, and Centropyge colouration

The dwarf angelfishes of the Genera Centropyge and Paracentropyge are amongst our favorite reef fishes, in part for their fabulous array of colour morphs and hybrids. We’ve always been fascinated by the variety of these aberrant individuals, and seem to…

Video of Casper the white tang shows how startlingly awesome this fish is

Casper the white tang is an iconic all-white specimen of Zebrasoma flavescens which is the pride and joy of World Wide Corals in Orlando Florida. A couple years back when Casper was a greenhorn to aquarium life, we got a chance…

Xanthic Acanthurus surgeonfish caught on video

The xanthic surgeonfish is the latest freak to come out of the family Acanthuridae. You’ve seen the piebald tang, the tricolor scopas, the aberrant scopas, the nearly all white yellow tang Casper but this all solid yellow Acanthurus is the…

$30,000 Koi Tangs hit all-time Price High

Koi tangs are some of the most coveted fish available in the reefing hobby right now, with suggested pricing at an all-time high. We’ve seen a nearly all-white Zebrasoma scopas advertised for $32,999.99, followed by another at $29,999.99. A white,…