Juvenile Chaetodon wiebeli spotted cruising in a Bangkok LFS

Butterflyfish are ubiquitous in the hobby, but there are some species that hardly see the light of collection. These are either because they are really deep living species such as those in the genus Roa and Prognathodes, or are far…

Friday Smorgasbord: World’s largest DSB gets studied and more

It has been a while since we rolled out a Friday Smorgasbord but we are cranking up the engine again! As hobbyists we’ve known about the miracles we find in sand beds that have sparked debates, trends and people hoarding…

Consider These 6 Points Before Buying a Marine Aquarium Cleanup Crew

Marine aquarium cleanup crews (CUC)—those combo packs of various snails, crabs, and echinoderms sold for the purpose of algae control and detritus elimination—can serve an excellent utilitarian function in a saltwater system. What’s more, in addition to the janitorial duties…

Longfin clownfish clinches title for “guppy of the marine aquarium”

While “Guppy of the Marine Aquarium” has long been a title bestowed upon the Banggai Cardinalfish, I’ve long felt that the true guppy of the marine aquarium world, with its ubiquity of hobbyist breeding and ever-increasing diversity of aberrant, non-wild…

We feed our fish ALL of the best fish foods

As many new foods that come along in the marine aquarium hobby, many of them touting to be “The Best”, it’s hard to know which food you should feed your fish. In all reality, many of the top fish food…

Attention Writers: The Marine Aquarium Hobby Needs You!

Today’s post is a little “off the beaten path” to say the least. Typically, we use this space to share information and insights with our fellow salties on exotic marine species, various aspects of marine aquarium husbandry, etc. This time…

Cool crustaceans for your reefs part 2: The hovering Urocaridella shrimps

In the continuation of the previous article on cool marine crustaceans for your reefs, we’re sticking with the shrimp theme with Urocaridella. There are many species in this poorly described genus, and a few are available with relative ease for…

Differentiating the befuddling trio: Odontanthias chrysostictus, O. katayamai and O. tapui

For a long time, the confusion between Odontanthias chrysostictus, O. katayamai as well as O. tapui has afflicted many. We’ve made the mistake of wrongly identifying these fishes in the past as well. We hope to straighten out the mistakes…

7 Guidelines for Mindful Medication of Marine Aquarium Fish

Let’s face it, when a fish in our care exhibits symptoms that might suggest disease, we want to fix the problem and we want to fix it fast. What that usually means is running to the local fish store and…

Cairn’s Marine adds another feather to its cap with this stunning super male Pseudanthias flavicauda

Pseudanthias flavicauda is a member of the “randalli species complex”, where excluding various unnamed species, contains three members. Of which two species, P. flavicauda and P. randalli, are Pacific in distribution while P. pulcherrimus is restricted to the Indian Ocean.…