Quality Marine brings aquacultured Clarion Angel to US market

The beautiful Clarion angelfish is coming to the US market thanks to Quality Marine getting ahold of aquacultured specimens from Bali Aquarich. The Bali Aquarich team raised the fish to a size where they would be hardy enough for shipping…

Marshallese multibar angelfish is the healthiest Paracentropyge we’ve seen

The multibarred angelfish (Paracentropyge multifasciata) is a stunning and widely offered little angelfish that captivates the hearts of seasoned and amateur aquarists.  This little heartbreaker is sadly, not easy to keep and often refuse to eat and waste away due to…

Tanked learns a hard lesson from hasty fish stocking

When you rush in this hobby, things go wrong — really wrong. This is evident in the news that one shark is dead and another wounded in a fiasco for the Animal Planet‘s Tanked team at a Coney Island, New…

Belonoperca pylei in US, right under our noses

Shortly after posting the Belonoperca pylei on video in Japan, we were able to chat with our friend Rich Ross who is also a marine biologist at the California Academy of Sciences. It seems that he is the proud owner of…

Plectranthias flammeus is a new species from the South Pacific, French Polynesia

The South Pacific Ocean is a hotbed of new species right now with Plectranthias flammeus just the latest visually striking reef fish to be thoroughly described. Discovered living in the waters of the Marquesas Islands around French Polynesia, unlike many other…

ORA Rubrocinctus is now identified as Amphiprion barberi – the Fiji Clownfish

ORA announced today that upon DNA testing, it has been confirmed that the fish they have been selling as the Australian Amphiprion rubrocinctus is in fact the Fijian species Amphiprion barberi.  How did this happen? In short, it happened because years…

Tougher wildlife import restrictions proposed by US…again

Newly proposed federal legislation is taking aim at halting the importation and interstate trade of non-native livestock, including fish and aquatic organisms bred or collected for the aquarium trade. This isn’t the first time legislation like this was proposed and…

Five live peppermint Angelfish make their way to Blue Harbor Japan

Somewhere in Osaka Japan, down deep in the fish conditioning vault of Blue Harbor Aquariums, rests no less than five little treasures from the Pacific Ocean, the illustrious peppermint angelfish, Paracentropyge boylei. The quintet of holy grail reef fish arrived…

New research shows live coral trade could actually help preserve reefs

As hobbyists, we’ve used to the perception that importing live coral specimens from the wild has a negative impact on coral reef ecosystems in the wild, but new research is actually showing the hobby is actually having a positive impact…

Rising Tide announces success with captive-bred Green Chromis

Green Chromis as a species complex (Chromis viridis, C. caerulea, and C. atripectoralis) represent the NUMBER ONE species collected for the marine aquarium hobby*, yet unlike another popular bread & better species (such as the Ocellaris Clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris), the Green…