Show soft corals some love with a shallow lagoon tank

We don’t show enough of our tanks from the other side of the Atlantic so I thought I would show my own little project from the UK – this 200 liter/52 gallon soft coral-dominated lagoon tank. It was devised over…

3D bioprinted coral skeletons can house symbiotic algae

A team of international scientists has produced the first 3D printed synthetic coral tissues that can house living symbiotic algae.  The team at the University of California built three different 3D-bioprinted corals, each mimicking either the skeleton, gut, or skin…

Tropic Marin shows the fruits of their coral reproduction labor

Tropic Marin displayed the first captive-bred Acropora in Germany at Interzoo 2022. The display was small and understated but was actually the most important stand at the show in terms of helping to protect the future of both our hobby…

Corals to be grown on wind turbines in Taiwan

A Danish energy company plans to grow corals on the bases of offshore wind turbines. Dubbed ReCoral, the ambitious project plans to settle larvae and then grow them on the turbines 60km offshore, where the waters are less affected by…

Coral Workshops help tell wild from farmed Indonesian corals

Corals are the most traded CITES-listed marine animals globally. A 2021 study by the Food and Agriculture Organization found that from 1990 to 2016, exporting countries reported 1.6 million direct export transactions in marine animals, 97% of which were in…

Two miles of Twilight Zone corals discovered off Tahiti

A scientific research mission has discovered one of the largest pristine coral reefs in the world, according to UNESCO. Situated in the middle of the Pacific, off Tahiti, the reef is two miles long and between 30 and 70 yards…

Real Wild Australian Live Rock Available from Unique Corals

Live rock has been the backbone of setting up a new reef tank since time immemorial but in recent years, dry rock, mined options and manmade alternatives have mostly crowded out the capsules of reef life we used to call…

What it’s Like To Start a ‘Career in Corals’

My name is Levi Peterson and a few months ago I made a decision to work closely with corals at ACI Aquaculture. I formerly worked at a local pet store and personally worked very closely with Non-Photosynthetic corals. However, when…

De Jong Marinelife’s New Coral Farm

Recently, Arie de Jong (founder and director of De Jong Marinelife) took me for a short tour through one of their newest facilities: their new large coral farm. Insiders might know they already have a small coral farm in their…

Unboxing a New Coral Shipment from Jason Fox

Jason Fox is one of the most prolific progenitors of fun and unique coral strains in the aquarium hobby and we love comparing notes with him about our observations of corals on wild reefs. While Jason might be best known…