Funky new little ‘Mini Scolie’ now coming in from West Australia

One of the coolest new things spotted at MACNA this year was not necessarily the products, but a treasure trove of colorful “Mini Scolies” from West Australia. New fish species are discovered on an almost daily basis but it’s very…

Seachem’s Clarity was an unexpected hero for many coral vendors this weekend

Getting to MACNA early Saturday morning to take pictures is something of a ritual for us. By Saturday morning everyone has had all of their corals tanked for at least 24 hrs, all the parameters and lighting have been tweaked…

Ecoxotic Shows off bamboo stand concept

Ecoxotic’s bamboo-laminated solid bamboo stand caught our attention from far away, and at first glance from down the walkway it looked as if Ecoxotic had put out an wooden cube tank stand to demo the next generation Panorama fixtures – we…

Vertex Aquaristik is working on some swanky probe holders and nano magnet scrapers

Vertex Aquaristik is working on some new aquarium accessories to help you scrub smaller tanks and to keep probes in place. Since vertex already uses its fair share of titanium in various products, it makes sense that they would use…

Juicy captive bred Amphiprion Mccullochi clownfish showed off by ORA

It’s been quite a while since we heard any news about the uber rare Mcculloch’s clownfish, Amphiprion mccullochi, but this weekend ORA treated visitors to their MACNA booth to some great looking small captive-bred specimens.Before the rare clownfish fanciers get…

Marineland Blue Accent LED Hidden Lighting strips handled

MACNA attendees that were at the banquet tonight in Des Moines, Iowa were treated with a special gift from Marineland. On every chair was a special edition Blue Accent LED Hidden Lighting strips that has not been released to the…

Libra dosing pump from Vertex Aquaristik is versatile and touchscreen controlled

The Libra dosing pump from Vertex Aquaristik is a very capable and versatile peristaltic dosing device. Within about a month, Vertex will release the Libra with the built-in touch sensitive controller and three dosing pumps which will come with either…

Julian’s Thing is a sophisticated coral feeder and liquid applicator

The cheeky ad campaign that Two Little Fishes started to promote Julian’s Thing has been revealed to be for a fancy coral feeder and liquid applicator. The large syringe that powers the feeder is finely controlled using the thumb to…

Panorama Pro fixture from Ecoxotic is a skinny little number

With the old Panorama fixture out of stock, it was a pretty safe bet we’d see a new Panorama Pro fixture from Ecoxotic and here it is. The New Panorama Pro fixture is about an inch and half thick, with…

Jeff Corwin launching new show with Georgia Aquarium

Ocean Mysteries’ is a new show that is either filmed entirely at or will use experts from the Georgia aquarium. Jeff Corwin, a longtime TV host and animal conservationist, is spearheading “Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin,” a weekly 26-episode show…